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Politician Web portal

Intellect Systems | 12 Aug 2017 | Total Reads : 3723
Politician Web portal

We are ready with exclusive web portal for politicians to make their internet presence up to date. This portal contains various intellectual modules to explore work portfolio and political activities of member. Interactive and simple user interfaces of website and local language compatibility of it; would make it for appreciable for voters and people around. Admin of portal can make all modules and pages of this portal up to date using smart Admin application.

Each page is bind with social media sharing integration widget; so that anyone can share particular page on his / her social media profile. This will exceed reach of particular article to bulk of people easily. YouTube channel integration will assist member to share his / her media videos, interviews on website. Voters online survey form would be helpful to gather fresh data of voters around their ward. This portal will help voters to meet, interact and invite their members anytime easily. Voters can share, post their problems to particular Member very fast, so that the effective solution will work for them.

Such type of many exclusive features club into this portal. So dear Members be ready for your next election with your interactive internet profile with this portal.

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