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Simply online accounting application

Intellect Systems | 18 Oct 2014 | Total Reads : 3900

You can be a non business man or businessman but surely you might be gone through un solved, non tally account issues. Many times we forgot about the commercial status of out vendor, client, friend etc, it happen only because of failing to keep up to date account transaction entries into out diary, software, notebook etc. Ultimately if affects badly on out financial status. We never do forget to make entries but equally todays hectic schedule of each of us responsible for this.

Though you are using desktop based stand alone software for your accounting, but many times you fail to make entries into it due to unavailability of yours into your office. May be you get busy into traveling, functions, meetings for couple of days.

Considering all those barrier situations we design and developed online we based accounting application named it SIMPLY. Simply is not only keep account balance accuracies but it also made too much easy and simple, so that any aged person can handle it smoothly. You can manage your all accounts like cash, bank, creditors, debtors, expenses and income.

For its more information do please contact us.

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